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dragon and lion dancing中文是什么意思

用"dragon and lion dancing"造句"dragon and lion dancing"怎么读"dragon and lion dancing" in a sentence


  • 舞龙舞狮
  • "dragon"中文翻译    n. 1.龙。 2.飞龙旗。 3.凶暴的人;(年轻女子的 ...
  • "lion"中文翻译    n. 1.狮子。 2.勇猛的人。 3.名流,名人。 4. ...
  • "dancing"中文翻译    n. 跳舞,舞蹈(法)。 dancing girl 舞女 ...
  • "dancing lion" 中文翻译 :    醒狮
  • "dancing" 中文翻译 :    n. 跳舞,舞蹈(法)。 dancing girl 舞女。 dancing hall 〔美国〕舞厅。 dancing master [mistress] 舞蹈教师[女教师]。 dancing party 舞会。 dancing saloon 〔英国〕跳舞场。 dancing steps 【建筑】(螺旋形)均衡梯级〔梯级的一端略窄于另一端,也称为 balanced steps〕。
  • "dancing to" 中文翻译 :    随著什么跳舞; 随著什麽跳舞
  • "a lion" 中文翻译 :    亦用来指
  • "lion" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.狮子。 2.勇猛的人。 3.名流,名人。 4.〔pl.〕名胜〔过去参观伦敦的人必去看伦敦塔的狮子〕。 5.〔L-〕【天文学】狮子座;狮子宫;【徽章】狮印;狮子纹章。 A lion at home, a mouse abroad. 〔谚语〕在家像狮子,出外成老鼠。 The lion is not so fierce as he is painted. 〔谚语〕传闻往往失实。 a lion in the way [path] 途中的障碍,拦路虎。 as bold [brave] as a lion 勇猛如狮。 lion and unicorn (捧英国皇室徽章的)狮子和独角兽。 make a lion of sb. 使某人红极一时。 put [run]one's head into the lion's mouth 轻入险境,冒险。 see the lions 〔英国〕游览名胜。 show sb. the lions 〔英国〕带领某人游览名胜。 the (old) British L- 英国的别称。 the lion 's share 最大最好的份额〔语出《伊索寓言》〕。 the lion's skin 表面的威武。 twist the lion's tail (尤指美国记者)说英国坏话。 adj. -like
  • "lion the" 中文翻译 :    莱昂山
  • "the lion" 中文翻译 :    狮子座
  • "dragon" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.龙。 2.飞龙旗。 3.凶暴的人;(年轻女子的)严格凶狠的监护人〔多指老太婆〕。 4.〔the D-〕 【天文学】天龙座。 5.(十七世纪前后口径大而枪身短的)龙骑枪;佩带龙骑枪的士兵。 6.【动物;动物学】飞龙〔蜥蜴的一种,有翼膜,能滑翔〕。 7.【动物;动物学】(一种善飞的)信鸽。 8.【圣经】海怪〔指鲸鱼,鲨鱼,鳄鱼;海蟒等〕。 9.【军事】装甲牵引车。 10.“小龙”〔指亚洲新兴的经济腾飞的国家或地区〕。 the old D- 魔王。 a regular [perfect] dragon (年轻女子的)凶狠的伴婆。 dragon's blood 龙血树树脂。 dragon's teeth 〔英俚〕 1. (多层排列的三角锥形)反坦克混凝土路障。 2. 相互争斗的根源〔出自日尔曼神话: Cadmus 种下龙齿,化为武士相互砍杀〕。
  • "the dragon" 中文翻译 :    龙的传人3; 天龙座
  • "dragon dragon" 中文翻译 :    是巨龙
  • "lion monkey; lion marmoset" 中文翻译 :    狮毛猴
  • "a dancing duck" 中文翻译 :    跳舞鸭
  • "a dancing exhibition" 中文翻译 :    舞蹈表演
  • "a dancing girl" 中文翻译 :    红粉飘零
  • "aaive dancing" 中文翻译 :    笨儿舞
  • "aero dancing" 中文翻译 :    飞空之舞
  • "are dancing in the air" 中文翻译 :    雪花飞舞snowflakes
  • "automatic(dancing)" 中文翻译 :    自动
  • "ball dancing" 中文翻译 :    青年舞
  • "ballroom dancing" 中文翻译 :    交际舞; 交谊舞; 舞厅舞
  • "be a dancing partner" 中文翻译 :    伴舞
  • "be dancing in the wind" 中文翻译 :    迎风飞舞


  • Report from costa rica dragon and lion dances open
  • The effect of developing campus dragon and lion dance sport to campus sports cultural
  • Nick : people will set off firecrackers , watch the dragon and lion dance , pray to gods in the temple , visit their relatives and friends , and so on
  • Promotion of wong tai sin arts and cultural festival opening ceremony including dragon and lions dance , parade of veteran and brand cars and artistic performers etc
  • Afterwards a traditional dragon and lion dance ritual was performed for the success and prosperity of the new institutions . in master s place , a representative gave a speech and accepted a certificate recognizing her new title
  • Marked by traditional dragon and lion dances as prologue , the event ran down with rich contents including a demonstration show of a variety of fishing vessels and cruise liners , first aid demonstrations and an air - sea rescue drill
  • Marked by traditional dragon and lion dances as prologue , the event ran down with rich contents including a demonstration show of a variety of fishing vessels and cruise liners , first aid demonstrations and an air - sea rescue drill
  • During the tin hau festival ( i . e . the 23rd day of the third month of the lunar calendar ) , villagers and local worshippers hold a series of celebrations in the open space in front of the temple . they pray for prosperity and peace by staging chinese opera performances as well as dragon and lion dances
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